Speed Workouts: Unlock Your Full Running Potential

Every runner, whether an amateur or a seasoned marathoner, seeks that one thing: progression. It's the heart-pounding thrill of shaving a minute off your personal best, the exhilaration of feeling lighter on your feet, and the pride of knowing you've unlocked yet another layer of your athletic prowess. 

This progression is not just about running more; it's about training smarter. And one of the smartest additions to any runner’s regimen? Speed workouts.

In this article, we'll dive deep into speed training, unveiling its secrets and showing you how it stands apart from your regular runs. 

Understanding the Basics of Speed Training

Speed workouts, often nestled under the broader umbrella of interval training, represent a shift from the conventional steady-state running most are accustomed to. It’s not about settling into a comfortable pace; it's about challenging the body in short, intense bursts followed by periods of recovery.

What Is Speed Training?

At its core, speed training is designed to push the boundaries of your current capabilities. Introducing your body to faster paces effectively teaches your muscles, cardiovascular system, and mind to handle more strenuous loads. Over time, this adaptability translates into faster running speeds, even during longer distances.

The Science Behind It

From a physiological perspective, speed workouts offer a myriad of benefits. They stimulate Type II muscle fibers primarily responsible for power and speed. As these fibers are activated and stressed, they grow in both size and efficiency. 

Furthermore, this kind of training increases the heart's stroke volume, allowing more oxygen-rich blood to be delivered to the working muscles. This enhancement in oxygen delivery equips runners with better endurance and stamina.

What Are Speed Running Workouts?

There's a diverse array of speed workouts to consider, each with its unique benefits and applications:


These structured runs involve alternating between high-intensity running and rest or low-intensity running. The key is consistency; the exact pace and distance can vary — from short 200m sprints to longer 1km bouts. Interval training develops speed and aids in efficient oxygen utilization and recovery.

Tempo Runs

Tempo runs are focused on maintaining a “comfortably hard” pace for a specified duration. They push you to the edge of your anaerobic threshold. By operating at this challenging pace, you train your body to delay the onset of fatigue, making these runs incredibly beneficial for races where sustaining pace is crucial.


Originating from the Swedish term meaning “Speed Play,” this workout is less structured than intervals but just as effective. Fartleks involve periods of faster running intermixed with periods of easier running, allowing the runner to adjust intensity based on how they feel. This makes them ideal for those who prefer a less rigid workout structure or for blending speed work into regular distance runs.

Hill Repeats

A special mention in the realm of speed workouts, hill repeats challenge both speed and strength. By running up a steep incline at a fast pace and recovering on the way down, runners engage and strengthen different muscle groups. The resistance provided by the incline forces your body to work harder, amplifying the cardiovascular and muscular benefits.


Often used as a warm-up or cool-down addition, strides are about 100m accelerations where runners start at a jog, build up to near-sprint speed, and then decelerate. They improve running form, increase leg turnover, and prepare the body for more intense workouts.

Progressive Runs

This workout might start deceivingly simple but offers great rewards. Progressive runs involve starting at a relatively comfortable pace and gradually increasing the speed as you continue.

By the end of the run, you should be nearing a tempo run pace, pushing your limits. The beauty of this type of workout is its mimicry of race scenarios where runners often need to finish strong, conserving energy for the end.

Incorporating a mix of these speed workouts ensures the holistic development of a runner's capabilities. From pure speed and power with intervals to strength with hill repeats and flexibility with fartleks, each serves a specific purpose in a runner's arsenal.

How To Incorporate Speed Workouts Into Your Routine

For many runners, the introduction of speed workouts can initially seem like a formidable challenge. But the truth is, these training sessions are just another aspect of a balanced training plan, and they can be incredibly beneficial when executed correctly.

Step 1: Assess Your Current Fitness Level

Before diving into the world of speed training, it's crucial to understand your starting point. By gauging your present stamina, pace, and overall endurance, you'll have a clearer idea of where improvements can be made. 

Opt for a timed 5k or 10k race or a simple time trial. Not only will this offer a realistic snapshot of your current fitness, but it'll provide a solid foundation upon which to build your speed workouts tailored to your unique strengths and areas of improvement.

Step 2: Start Slowly

Speed workouts, much like distance training, demand gradual incorporation. Think about it: you wouldn’t attempt to conquer a marathon without sufficient preparation. In the same vein, introduce speed sessions at a comfortable pace, perhaps starting with just one session a week. 

This pacing ensures your body has the time to recover, adapt, and grow stronger. With time, as your resilience improves, you can confidently integrate more sessions into your weekly schedule.

Step 3: Gear Up Right

The significance of the right gear can't be overstated. Investing in shoes engineered for speed can drastically enhance your experience. These shoes, typically lightweight and built for traction, can greatly minimize injury risks. 

Additionally, apparel like our Light Speed Compression Tights can be pivotal in muscle stabilization during demanding speed drills, ensuring you're always at the peak of your game.

Step 4: Prioritize Recovery

Speed training, by its very nature, is strenuous. That's why prioritizing recovery is non-negotiable. Our Refresh Recovery Compression Tights, for instance, can be a game-changer in your post-training regimen. 

Their design focuses on muscle stabilization while supporting blood circulation, ensuring you're always prepared and raring to go for the subsequent training session.

Step 5: Vary Your Workouts

Monotony is the enemy of progress. Incorporate a range of speed workouts to keep your training dynamic. One week you might prioritize interval training, while another week could be dedicated to hill workouts or fartleks. Such diversity not only retains your interest but holistically develops your running capabilities.

Step 6: Listen to Your Body

Speed training, although rewarding, can be intense. Always remember that while challenging yourself is essential, your well-being takes precedence. 

Be vigilant for signs like extreme fatigue, sharp pains, or any unusual discomfort. If encountered, it's a signal to allow your body more rest or seek advice from a sports medicine expert.

Step 7: Track Your Progress

Document each run, capturing times, distances, and even subjective feelings during every workout. Over time, you'll observe patterns of improvement. This documented progress acts as a powerful motivator, illustrating the tangible and often transformative impact of speed workouts on your overall performance.

The Beginner’s Guide to Speed Training

Diving into speed workouts might seem a little daunting at first. Visions of sprinters tearing down the track might float in your mind. But here’s a secret: every great sprinter started somewhere. 

And that “somewhere” is the foundational basics.

Start With Setting Clear Goals

Before you burst into a full sprint, set clear, attainable goals. Aim to shave off 30 seconds from your 5k time in the next three months or successfully incorporate two speed sessions a week without feeling drained. 

Your goals are your north star. They guide your training, giving it purpose and direction.

Know the Difference: Aerobic vs. Anaerobic

When you dive into speed training, you'll often hear about aerobic and anaerobic workouts. 

Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Aerobic: Relies on oxygen and primarily taps into fat as an energy source. Most long-distance running is aerobic. It’s sustainable, helps improve endurance, and is relatively low intensity.
  • Anaerobic: This is where speed workouts shine. Anaerobic exercises don’t rely on oxygen directly. Instead, they tap into stored energy in muscles, lasting for short durations and are high intensity. It’s the burning fire you feel during a sprint.

Starting with this knowledge can help you understand the energy dynamics of your body during speed training.

Warm-Up, Always

The worst thing you can do is jump straight into speed drills without prepping your body. Dedicate at least 10 to 15 minutes for a solid warm-up. Gentle jogging, dynamic stretches, and a few stride runs can make a world of difference.

Our Light Speed Jogger, with its breathable and flexible design, could be an ideal companion for this initial phase, ensuring maximum comfort and unrestricted movement.

Structure Over Haphazard Effort

While spontaneity has its charm, structure can be your best friend when it comes to speed training, especially for beginners. Start with basic interval training. 

For instance:

  • Sprint for 30 seconds.
  • Walk or jog for one to two minutes.
  • Repeat.

The structured nature helps you manage your effort, ensuring you don’t burn out after the first couple of sprints.

Play With Inclines

While flat surfaces are great for beginners, once you’re comfortable, introduce slight inclines or hill sprints into your routine. Our Light Speed Mid-Rise Compression Shorts can offer an additional edge, allowing for a more natural range of movement and support during such intense workouts.

Cool Down Is Crucial

Just as you warmed up, winding down post-session is vital. It aids muscle recovery and ensures lactic acid doesn’t pool in your muscles, which could lead to cramps. Gentle stretches, hydration, and even a slow walk can be incredibly beneficial.

Our Core Compression Tights can also be handy here. With their sculpted flattering silhouette and deep side pockets, they offer both support and utility, whether you're heading home post-run or grabbing a quick coffee.

Recovery Isn’t Just for the Elite

If there’s one golden rule every beginner should embrace, it’s the importance of recovery. It’s not a luxury; it's essential. With products like the Power Recovery Compression Tights, post-training recovery can be effective and comfortable, ensuring you’re always on top of your game.

Educate Yourself Continuously

Remember, the world of speed training is vast and ever-evolving. Stay updated with the latest techniques, listen to experts, and continually educate yourself. 

And when in doubt, turn to trusted brands like 2XU that offer quality products and valuable insights into the world of athletic progression. After all, it’s not just about running fast; it’s about running smart.

A Final Word

Unlocking the full spectrum of one's running potential is a journey of both discipline and discovery. Speed workouts, though challenging, offer an avenue for every runner to elevate their performance and shatter personal records. But like any tool in an athlete's arsenal, the key lies in its application.

At 2XU, we believe in the transformative power of smart training. That’s why we don’t just provide elite athletic wear; we're also committed to equipping you with knowledge and insights to ensure every stride you take is more powerful than the last. 

Speed workouts, with their undeniable benefits, can be a pivotal chapter in your running story. However, remember to pair them with the right gear, proper recovery, and an unwavering commitment to understanding your body.

As you venture forth, melding the power of speed with the endurance of distance, know that every heartbeat, every drop of sweat, is a step toward a more formidable version of yourself. The road to excellence is not merely about speed but the harmony of mind, body, and spirit. 


ACE Performance Series: Speed Workout | ACE Fitness

Why and How to Do Aerobic Training, Including High-intensity Interval Training | New Mexico State University 

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Exercise Fatigue | Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute